What's New. The Search For Hidden Particles. Season 3, Episode 5
Cohen, Daniel J., (Daniel Jared), 1968- (Creator)
Northeastern University (Boston, Mass.), Libraries (Creator)
Skinnari, Louise (Contributor)
Date created
November 05, 2019
Type of resource
Sound recording
Sound Recording
Digital origin
born digital
In the farmland at the border of France and Switzerland, the massive Large Hadron Collider smashes subatomic particles together at the speed of light, and physicists then interpret the wreckage of those high-speed collisions. This has led to discoveries both strange and wonderful about building blocks of our universe. Now the Large Hadron Collider is being upgraded to reveal even more about the hidden magic of our world. Today on What's New, we will go inside the Large Hadron Collider and explore a realm in which the physics we know no longer works. Our guide on this journey is Louise Skinnari, an assistant professor of physics here at Northeastern University, and one of the team members for some of the key experiments and particle detectors at the Large Hadron Collider.
English language captioning provided by Northeastern University Library staff.
Related item
What's New Podcast
Subjects and keywords
Large Hadron Collider (France and Switzerland) -- Nuclear physics
European Council for Nuclear Research -- Research
Compact Muon Solenoid
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